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Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

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Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Qatar May Not Be the Best Option for 2022 World Cup

Manad Sood, Staff Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015
Qatar has succeeded in stepping onto the world athletic stage. However, their bid does not appear to have placed them in a positive light, as concerns over various aspects of the tournament have not gone down well with the publi

A Look into the NFL Draft

Aiden Jones, Contributing Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015
Aiden Jones discuses the promising players that are to join the NFL

Athlete of the Month: James Radvany

Sean Nyce, Contributing Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015
Senior James Radvany is May’s Athlete of the Month, to learn about his love of baseball read below

MLB Pitchers: the Key Ingredient to a Successful Season

Ryan Bremer, Contributing Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015

The 2014 Major League Baseball season came down to a nail-biting finish. Even though the supposed “underdog” did not win, as happens in so many clichéd sports movies, the World Series reached...

PDS Hopes to Keep Athletes Safe With the ImPACT Test

Bridget Kane, Staff Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015

Many sports played at Princeton Day School and elsewhere are contact sports. In such activities, there is always the possibility of injury from interactions with other players. Athletes leave...

Princeton Day School Should Allow All Spring Sports to Take Trips

Scott Altmeyer, Contributing Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015
A tennis player wonders why not all PDS teams are offered the luxury of a trip during spring break

Vik Projects Premier League Final Standings

Oscar Vik, Contributing Writer for Spokesman August 15, 2015
As we draw closer to May, things will change, given the volatile nature of the Premier League. However, here are Vik's premature end of season BPL predictions
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