Junior gives advice to Class of 2019

Mia Wong, Staff Artist

Mia Wong, Staff Artist

Danielle Hirsch, Contributing Writer

Freshman year is a year full of change, but with this transition comes growth. Like many freshmen, at first, I did not know how to manage my time effectively, or how to study correctly. Now that I am a junior, I hear all too often from my peers how they wish they could redo freshman year knowing what they know now.

Here is some advice I would like to give the Class of 2019:

1: Keep up on your schoolwork. While college may seem ages away, I can assure you that the grades you receive during your freshman year count just as much as the ones you work for during your junior year. The classes you are taking this year are intended to help you adapt to a new environment. If you put in the time to study and complete your homework, you will be able to reach whatever goals you set for yourself, and you will be able to prepare for more challenging work.

2: MEET WITH YOUR TEACHERS. I cannot stress this point enough. Your teachers are not out to get you; they do not want you to fail. If you are having difficulties in a class, make an appointment to meet with your teacher. If you have a study hall that matches up with your teachers, I would suggest making a weekly, or bi-weekly appointment. It may seem scary to meet with a teacher one-on– one, especially if you feel you are not grasping a concept, but the more you meet with a teacher, the more prepared you will feel in general. It may seem like a fun idea to use your study halls to watch Netflix or go to the snack bar with friends, but this is not the purpose of these periods. Using this time to do homework, study, or meet with teachers, will allow you to be able to keep your sanity while still having time to spend with friends on the weekends.

3: Communication is key. If you take part in any extracurriculars at PDS, make sure to notify your teachers. If you are starting to feel overwhelmed by the amount of work you are receiving on a night you have a game or a long rehearsal, many teachers will work to accommodate your needs, as long as you reach out to them. If you feel as though you are not able to complete an assignment or prepare fully for an assessment, make sure to tell your teachers in advance. You cannot simply go into class and expect your teacher to accept that your work is incomplete without being given advance notice.

4: Be nice to everyone. Chances are, your group of friends is going to change a lot this year, and while that may seem scary to those of you who have been at PDS your entire lives, sometimes change is good. If you are new to the school, it may seem difficult to break into a friend group that has been together for years. But believe me, it is just as scary for them to branch out to new people as it is for you.

“Try to talk to everyone, and try to make friends with as many people as you can before trying to fit yourself into a certain group,” advised junior Caroline Bernstein, who came to PDS as a sophomore. Remember, there is nothing wrong with being nice

Starting high school is an exciting, yet nerve-racking time. Be sure to stay focused, have fun, and make the most of this experience!