See the world with PDS

Caroline Bernstein, Staff Writer

Princeton Day School has plenty in store for students wishing to travel abroad this school year. With the Global Studies Program hosting four trips in conjunction with three different departments, students have numerous opportunities to see new parts of the world.

Upper School English teachers Karen Latham and Jamie McCulloch will be leading a Spring Break trip to England. During this trip, students will get to visit sites inspired by Shakespeare and the Beatles. For those with an interest in Asian culture, the History Department is offering a summer trip to China, which will explore the history and culture of this nation. Additionally, eighth and ninth graders taking French and upperclassmen taking Latin will have the chance to visit Paris and Rome, respectively .“There’s so much to gain. You can start from a greater understanding of culture, of history coming to life, a greater understanding of how different people live and the differences and commonalities of the human experience,” explained Upper School history teacher and Global Studies Coordinator Maria Shepard on the benefits of global travel. PDS is no stranger to student travel opportunities, and each year, students look forward to seeing which new trips are available. On the China trip, which will take place this June, Ms. Shepard commented, “We’re going from urban, wealthy Beijing to rural, less developed southern China, and that’s really kind of the theme of the trip, to look at the many different faces of China and some of the challenges that the rapid development has created in China.” Students will get a chance to see many unique parts of the country, as well as spend time in Beijing High School #4.

The trip to England and the foreign language trips will take place over Spring Break. The England trip will be mainly centered in London, but students will also have the chance to see Liverpool and Stratford-upon-Avon. “We both love London, and we were always talking about London and realized that so many of the books we both teach feature London prominently or English literature, so we just thought it would be a really exciting experience to see firsthand where some of these authors came from, but also where many of the books are set,” said Dr. Latham when asked why she and Mr. McCulloch chose England. 18 students have been selected to attend, and their excitement is evident. “I’ ve never been to London before, so I’m looking forward to seeing it!” said senior Owen Felsher.. As for the foreign language trips, upperclassmen who take Latin will have the chance to see Rome, while freshmen who take French will visit Paris. Both trips will have a large focus on language and culture.

It is no secret that PDS school trips are a fantastic experience for both teachers and students alike, and these upcoming trips will be no exception. Whether looking to explore new places with friends or to visit the places you have read about in your favorite books, PDS trips are a great way to see exciting new places.