Making the Most of High School


Jamie Creasi, Online Staff Writer

High school is a major turning point in an individual’s growth as a learner, friend, team player, and, in many cases, as a musician, athlete, or artist. It is a time where we begin to formulate our own ideas about the world around us, as well as our individual role in it. It is a time where we constantly reflect on our actions to prepare ourselves for adulthood.

High school provides us with various ways and opportunities for each of us to become the best versions of ourselves. Seniors Linda Qu and Robyn Karchere-Sun shared their feedback on how to make the most of high school:

“It is important to keep looking for what you like and not linger on things that you don’t,” Qu said. “Know when to move on from uninteresting things to make room for things that you are actually passionate about. That means turning away from peer pressure and finding your own path.”

Karchere-Sun noted the importance of staying on top of work by planning ahead and using free periods productively: “Every night my goal is always to try and get my work done not too late so I can go to bed early. Sleep is so important for happiness and success as a student.” She continued, “Socially, take risks and make the most of it. School will be infinitely more fun if you have a fun group of friends who you enjoy spending time with. This year I have really learned through experience how important spending time outside of school with people is. If you really want to make relationships with people and have a solid friend group then you have to make time for them outside of school. It makes all the difference.” Additionally, “try to resist the stereotypical high school social scene. Chances are most people are super nice and you will like them, so take a chance with people instead of assuming they are a certain way.”

Lastly, it is critical to find the balance between work and relaxation. This is the most effective method to ensure that you have plenty of time to study and absorb the material to the greatest extent, while still leaving time and energy to devote to your friends, family, and hobbies. 

Being a student is a challenging journey in and of itself, as it requires taking risks and stepping out of comfort zones. But we must face these challenges with determination and persist to fulfill our dreams.