The Coronavirus: a Timeline



Navaneeth Rajan, Online Staff Writer

The coronavirus has been, undeniably, the single most culturally definitive event of the year, and arguably, of the decade. When it comes to a pandemic the likes of which hasn’t been seen in a century, with no point of reference, it can be difficult to keep track of where it all started and where we’re ultimately headed.


The Disease First Emerges – December, 2019

The first emergence of the coronavirus can be traced to a large meat and seafood market in Wuhan, the capital city of the Hubei province of China. In December, a group of pneumonia cases was reported here, marking the first known human cases of COVID-19.  


COVID-19 is Successfully Isolated & Named – Late December, 2019 to Early February, 2020

On December 31, Hubei and Wuhan health authorities were dispatched to investigate the spreading contagion. began investigating and found that, of the reported cases of the new disease, only about 1% of all cases were from people involved with the meat and seafood industries, and about 3/4ths of all cases were from residents of Wuhan or those who had recently made close contact with them, suggesting that the disease could spread from person to person. On January 12, the virus was isolated, and confirmed to be a new type of coronavirus, and the 7th type capable of infecting humans. On February 11, the virus was named SARS-CoV-2, which causes the disease COVID-19


The Begin of Global Spread – March, 2020

On March 11, the World Health Organization (WHO), declared COVID-19 a pandemic, meeting the three necessary criteria, person-to-person transmission, the capability to be lethal, and global spread. 2 days later, POTUS Donald Trump declared the illness a national emergency, issuing a travel ban.


Hydroxychloroquine & Early Treatments – March, 2020

On March 17, the University of Minnesota began testing if the prescription drug Hydroxychloroquine could help reduce the severity of COVID-19 among people infected with the virus. 2 weeks later, the FDA authorized the use of the drug in emergency cases only. However, the drug had known risks for those with underlying heart problems. 3 months later and much testing later, the WHO announced that Hydroxychloroquine did not benefit people with COVID-19, though it did not harm them either.


US Deaths Pass 100,000 – May 28, 2020


Global Cases Pass 1,000,000 – September 28, 2020


POTUS Donald Trump is infected with SARS-CoV-2, gets COVID-19 – October 2, 2020

President Donald Trump got COVID-19, raising questions about his coronavirus policies, and the United States’ response as a whole. 


-A Hypothetical Future-


The COVID-19 Pandemic Ends – Late 2021

Provided people maintain social distancing and wear masks, and a safe vaccine for public usage is developed relatively soon, the pandemic may officially end towards the end of 2021.


A COVID-19 Vaccine is Released for Widespread Public Usage – 2022

According to chief scientist Soumya Swaminathan of the WHO, a COVID-19 vaccine may not reach the general public until 2022. However, frontline workers, health workers, and the elderly may be given access to a vaccine as early as 2021.

Though it seems unlikely that this pandemic will end any time in the near future, if we stay safe and engage in proper precautionary measures, it will eventually pass. Until then, keep your mask on, and stay 6 feet away.