These Are the 17 Most Iconic Tweets Posted Since Quarantine Began
April 27, 2020
Over the past few weeks, the activities keeping most of us sane have been narrowed down to meal times, Netflix, YouTube workouts, and social media. While we used to use it regularly and always have, social media is now playing a bigger role than ever before. It is now our main way of connecting and interacting with one another and with the outside world. From posting Instagram challenges to learning TikTok dances, almost every social media platform has stepped up its game. Twitter, for instance, has really taken the quarantine to heart as its users produce some of their best works yet. People all over the world have been connecting with each other through all kinds of tweets. Twitter is one of the fastest and easiest ways to share your thoughts on the internet, and the twitter community has definitely used this to their advantage. Whether it be funny, relatable, or cute content, Twitter has all your quarantine needs. Below are some of the best tweets that have come out since people started social distancing. From dog updates, to neighborhood DJs, to some of the most relatable quarantine moods you’ve seen yet, these tweets will hopefully satisfy your need for a little human interaction—at least for the next fifteen minutes!
1. When someone got so bored they started hosting guests:
A family of ducks have nested in my parents’ backyard and my dad put in “ramps” to help the ducklings get out of the pool. They’re doing great in quarantine.
— Hannah Dyson (@H_Anderson4) April 16, 2020
2. Not all heroes wear capes.
Wholesome quarantine tingzz 🥺
— arely 🏁 (@areeely__) April 5, 2020
3. This man who has a future in the Hibachi industry
4. This annoying but true mood
5. These wholesome updates
6. Well this can’t be healthy for the doggo…
Day 18 of lock down. Filled the dog with helium.
— cluedont (@cluedont) April 8, 2020
7. This is impossible to unsee
every time i see COVID-19 written out i read it to the tune of “come on eileen.” if i have to bear this burden so do all of you
— taylor (@famouslytaylor) March 10, 2020
8. It’s okay to be struggling a bit
me at the beginning of 2020 vs me after 1 day in quarantine
— Amanda Mancino-Williams (@Manda_like_wine) March 17, 2020
9. Experts say it’s good to keep up with our routines…
day 9 in quarantine: On my way to working from home
— tav (@TavSummer) March 17, 2020
10. Keep pulling the team!
I’ve been in quarantine 25 days and ppl r still out n about. Life feels like a group project and I’m the only one doing the work
— Maddy Smith (@somaddysmith) April 11, 2020
11. When the lack of sports is starting to affect people…
Day 3 without sports…
Drove to the airport to watch planes land just to see some touchdowns
— NFL Memes (@NFL_Memes) March 14, 2020
12. This daily voyage
leaving my bedroom and going to the living room mid-day
— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) April 17, 2020
13. Quarantine has led to some brilliant ideas
Hey sharks
I won’t take up too much of your time, my idea is baby carrots that aren’t soaking wet— Karli Marulli (@karlimarulli) April 13, 2020
14. But has also led to some… weird… imaginary situations
15. Luckily we’ve still got our wits about us.
Today our 5yo is wearing a shirt that says “Genius”, but he put it on backwards, so yes, homeschooling is going great.
— Richard Dean (@dad_on_my_feet) April 9, 2020
16. Even if it might not appear that way to coworkers/classmates.
Working from home
Me: *starts Skype meeting*
— threetimedaddy (@threetimedaddy) April 8, 2020
17. But, in all seriousness, when you’re feeling down, just remember that we’re all here for you. Even if just virtually. <3