Workouts to Try During Your Quarantine


(Photo/Gene Jeter/Unsplash)

Brendan Chia, Print Sports Editor

Focused muscle groups:

Abs (No weights)

  1. 10 Crunches (hold at top for 1 second)
  2. 10 Side crunches each side (hold at top for 1 second)
  3. 10 Crunches legs crossed and in the air (hold at top for 1 second)
  4. 10 Crunches legs in the air feet apart (hold at top for 1 second)
  5. 20 Cannonballs
  6. 14 (x2) Deadbugs (slowly)
  7. 45 sec cherry pickers
  8. 8 sec up 8 sec down (x10) leg lifts
  9. 6” Legs up and downs 30 sec
  10. 6” Legs side to side 30 sec
  11. 30 sec plank up 30 sec plank down 45 side plank each side (no rest in between) 
  12. 60 sec Superman 
  13. 30 Alternating Superman

Legs (weights optional)

  1. 10 Lunges (with weights) from the ground each leg
  2. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  3. 20 Squat jump
  4. 10 Lunges (with weights) from the ground each leg
  5. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  6. 20 Star jumps
  7. 10 Lunges (with weights) step back each leg
  8. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  9. 20 Squat jumps
  10. 20 Jump lunges alternating 
  11. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  12. 20 Star jumps
  13. 10 Lunges (with weights) from the ground each leg
  14. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  15. 20 Squat jump
  16. 10 Lunges (with weights) from the ground each leg
  17. 10 Heel lifts on one leg (each leg on stairs)
  18. 20 Star jumps

Arms (with weights)

Use weights that are suited for your training

  1. 10 Hammer curls 
  2. 10 Close grip dumbbell press
  3. 15 Dumbbell row each arm
  4. 12 Bicep curls each arm on knee
  5. 10 Dumbbell presses
  6. 10 Dumbbell lateral raises
  7. 10 Dumbbell flyes
  8. 12 Biceps curls on high seat 20lbs
  9. 20 Tricep dips
  10. 12 Reverse bicep curls
  11. 10 Skull crushers
  12. 10 Push-ups wide grip
  13. 10 Close-grip push-ups
  14. 10 Chest push-ups (very wide grip)
  15. 10 Forearm wrist curls
  16. 10 Reverse forearm wrist curls
  17. 10 Front raises 
  18. Repeat arm exercises for a total of 2 sets

Full-Body Workouts by Darius:

Make sure to warm-up before every workout:

  1. Set a time of 6 minutes
  2. AMRAP-As Many Rounds As Possible
  3. 3 Inchworm (start standing then bend over and walk out with your hands to a high plank/pushup position. From the plank/pushup position, walk back with your hands until you are back at the starting position.) 
  4. 20 Stationary power skips
  5. 10 Bodyweight squats
  6. 15 Jacks
  7. 20 High knee runs (stationary unless you have 20 yards)
  8. Do warm up exercises in order then repeat until the time is complete


Needs for this workout:

  1. A sturdy chair or a bench
  2. Space outside or a large space in your house.
  3. A step or a box that is knee level

Basic Rules:

  1.   Complete a set of each exercise and rest for 30 seconds before going to the next exercise. 
  2.   Complete all exercises from top to bottom then repeat. 
  3.   Have fun

Workout Level 1: 3 Rounds

  1. 10 Chair dips
  2. 10 Pushups (start in a high plank then switch to your knees if you break form)
  3. 20 Squats
  4. 15 Crunches
  5. 10 Chair dips
  6. 20 Alternating step ups (on step or box)
  7. 10 Straight leg raises (laying on your back, raise your feet up then back to start)


Needs for this workout:

  1. Stopwatch or timer from your phone
  2. Space outside or a large space in your house.

Basic Rules:

  1.   Go as hard as possible through each exercise. 
  2.   Complete all exercises from top to bottom then repeat. 
  3.   Record the total time to complete all rounds.
  4.   Have fun

Workout Level 2: 30 on 30 off, 3 Rounds.

Go as hard as possible for 30 seconds then rest for 30 seconds before going to the next exercise.

  1. Alternating lunges
  2. Pushups
  3. Burpees
  4. Crunches
  5. Squat Jumps (low squat and jump as high as possible, maximum reps)
  6. Mountain climbers


Needs for this workout:

  1. Stopwatch or timer from your phone.
  2. Stairs or box (find a box or a step that is knee level)
  3. A chair or bench for dips
  4. Space outside or a large space in your house.

Workout Level 3: Supersets 

  1. 20 Lunges with twist
  2. 20 Squat jumps
  3. 10 Pushups
  4. 15 Chair dips
  5. 20 Squats
  6. 20 Lunge jumps
  7. 20 Side lunges (start with feet together then step into the side lunge then return to start)
  8. 20 Ice skaters (side to side explosive jumps)
  9. 20 Crunches
  10. 30 Plank jacks
  11.  30 Step ups
  12. 30 Power step ups  

Everyone should know the correct form for each exercise but for questions and answers try to search exercise names on YouTube or email [email protected].