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Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

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Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

The Importance of Sleep for High School Students

The Importance of Sleep for High School Students

Kristine Wang, Science & Tech Columnist March 12, 2025

There always comes a time in a student’s high school career when the dreaded-all-nighter must occur. It could be a big project due the next day, an essay, a presentation, or simply a pile of assignments...


Is Cryptocurrency Safe to Invest In?

Archie Douglas, Print Staff Writer February 11, 2023

2022 has been a challenging year for cryptocurrency. The market slid from its peak of $300 trillion to $800 billion in the span of one year, and the majority of top-performing cryptocurrencies are experiencing...

Photo courtesy of SpaceX

The Space Race, Reinvented

Adya Jha, Online Features Editor March 4, 2022

Over seven decades ago, one of the bloodiest conflicts in human history closed in a fiery and immensely devastating bang. With the detonation of the atom bombs in Japan, a new period of human history marked...

The James Webb Space Telescope could change how we learn about our universe forever.

Photo courtesy of NASA

The James Webb Space Telescope Could Answer the Unknown

Michael Arnwine, Online Staff Writer February 21, 2022

For millennia, the secrets of the universe have been kept from us due to our lack of technology. Questions such as the existence of dark matter, origins of the universe, among others things have kept scientists...

(Artwork/Ava Fong'23)

How can cities become more resilient to extreme weather events?

Yvonne Wang, Online Staff Writer December 6, 2021

As climate change becomes more of a pressing issue, governments are devising policies to counter its effects. Environmental pollution, flooding, and wildfires are only some effects of climate change on...

COP26 Climate Change summit in Glasgow: What did it entail?

COP26 Climate Change summit in Glasgow: What did it entail?

Hart Liu Nowakoski, Online Staff Writer December 4, 2021

During the first two weeks of November, the United Nations held its 26th Annual Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, also known as COP26. This year’s conference is especially important as it is a follow-up...

Time to Change Climate Change

Time to Change Climate Change

Jenna Galla, Online Staff Writer November 18, 2021

For the past several decades, scientists and environmentalists have been warning of the future consequences of climate change. Although it seemed as though there was plenty of time to fix this urgent issue...

(Artwork/Yvonne Wang’22)

Cryptocurrency Mining Is Heating Up… Literally

Milind Singh, Online Staff Writer November 6, 2021

Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, and many more. Over the past few months, we have all heard news about cryptocurrencies and their impact on everything from Tesla’s cars to the Robinhood app. Bitcoin and...

Photo by Tom Swinnen from Pexels

The Clock Ticks on Biden’s Climate Action Plan

Adya Jha, Online Staff Writer October 25, 2021

Over the last few years, the indisputable effects of climate change have taken a real toll on Americans; whether it be in the form of raging wildfires or a never-ending hurricane season, ordinary citizens...

Photo by Mike from Pexels

The Drive to Stop Climate Change

Jenna Galla, Online Staff Writer June 27, 2021

It is no secret that climate change is a pressing issue in today’s society. As humans advance, so does technology and machinery, resulting in a plethora of carbon emissions being produced and entering...

Artwork/Kayla Zhang'24

The Leaders Summit on Climate: the Largest Virtual Climate Conference of World Leaders

Divya Sharma, Online Sports Editor June 10, 2021

On April 22 and April 23, President Joe Biden hosted the largest virtual gathering of world leaders, the Leaders Summit on Climate. The summit was a conference to discuss the ongoing climate crisis on...

Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

Cleaning Up Their Act: The English Ban on Coal and Green Wood

Navaneeth Rajan, Online Features Editor June 5, 2021

Recently, England’s Parliament ruled to phase out the sale and usage of coal and green wood over the course of the upcoming year. While the damaging effects of coal on human health and air pollution...

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