Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

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Check out senior Sam Cohen’s playlist!

Students Discuss PDS’ First Sikh Club
Harrison Bagga, News Editor • May 29, 2024
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Continuation of Co-Ed Volleyball Club: How is it Doing?

(Photos/Wikimedia Commons)

Three years ago, Wesley Chen ‘23 and Diego Vogelman ‘23 created a boys volleyball club. They were both very passionate about the sport, and knew that their peers were too. Upper and Middle School Vocal Director Edgar Mariano serves as the faculty advisor of the club. He stated, “In its inaugural year, it was a Boys Volleyball Club consisting of 10 or so students. The following year, the club was opened up to all students to allow for more people to enjoy the sport!”

In the past few years, many people have joined the club, as it is open to anybody at any skill level. The club is currently going strong, and the members are enthusiastic and serious about the drills, scrimmages, and activities. Freshman Cy Cooper said that his favorite part of the club was the people, and the relaxed environment. He mentioned, “Even though I only went once, It was the highlight of my day!” Cooper started playing volleyball in the summer, and he comments that this club is a great way to keep practicing. Many players from the girls varsity team help with the club, meaning that they can get some extra practice out of their season. The club practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 4:00 – 5:30.

Senior Amanda Chen, the head of the club, said, “People take it [the practices] seriously, we usually do some warmups in the beginning and then scrimmage the rest of the time. It gives the players some in game experience.” The practices are similar to that of the girls varsity volleyball team, demonstrating the potential for the club. She voiced that, while she doesn’t have anything big planned for the club, she wants to start setting up matches, and will continue to post on schoology. Although it is a club, it has a high level of commitment, and promotion of the club to a varsity level sport is on the horizon. Stay tuned for more volleyball club announcements on schoology, and consider dropping by the upper gym afterschool sometime, it will be a ball!

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