Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

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Students Discuss PDS’ First Sikh Club
Harrison Bagga, News Editor • May 29, 2024
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Shaping the PDS Community with Computer Science


The Advanced Computing class is the highest-level computer science course offered at PDS. Advanced Computing offers a unique opportunity for students to apply their learning through meaningful work for students who have completed AP Computer Science A. “Students are expected to drive their own learning,” said Computer Science Teacher Theodor Brasoveanu, “[The students] focus on topics such as algorithms and data structures, web applications, physical computing, machine learning and cybersecurity, in a framework that prepares them for future careers in software engineering and information technology.” Alongside the projects that take place during class, students are also encouraged to participate in competitions and hackathons, from the regional to national level. 

So what exactly have the Advanced Coding students been creating? Senior Farhan Haque explained, “We mainly work on developing projects to serve a specific purpose.” Throughout the past year of taking this class, Haque has created multiple projects, including an app to help new and visiting students navigate the school campus. Currently, he is developing PDShare, an app that will allow students to responsibly share their notes and work from classes. Other members of the class are also in the process of making their own programs, including bus trackers and apps to reserve the library classrooms. Haque noted, “Our goal is to create services that benefit the PDS community meaningfully, and this class allows us to bring our ideas to life.”

Advanced Computing, while a rigorous and high-level course, is a perfect opportunity for students to step outside of their comfort zone and focus on their passions. “Computer science offers a platform to create and experiment, while working on problems that are relevant to our communities.” stated Mr. Brasoveanu. “I love to empower our students to find connections between CS and their own lives.” With this innovative approach, students can truly build off of their previous knowledge, creating a long-lasting impact on the PDS community and beyond. For all CS enthusiasts, Advanced Computing is a must-try! 

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