Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

Uplifting the Voices of Princeton Day School

The Spokesman

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Harrison Bagga, News Editor • May 29, 2024
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Educating Tomorrow’s Financial Leaders- Inside the PDS Finance Club

(Artwork/Kayla Zhang ’24)
(Artwork/Kayla Zhang ’24)

Did you know that nearly two-thirds of Americans can’t pass a basic financial literacy test? As we live in a world where financial decisions impact every aspect of our lives, having the ability to make these decisions is crucial, and this statistic is both alarming and indicative of a need for financial education. Be that as it may, the Princeton Day School Finance Club is devoted to educating students on the topic of finance. The club’s co-heads: seniors Will Maschler, Max Glasgold, and Yaseen Mousa all attained leadership of the club at the beginning of the year with the goal of “amping up the club activity beyond just the Stock Market Game by spreading our own knowledge.” Specifically, Glasgold expressed that, as leaders, they “want to try and bring in some speakers who are already in the PDS community.” 

In the rapidly changing world of finance, the co-heads are prepared to adapt the club to this variance. Maschler stated that “Finance has been rapidly evolving through fintech innovation, digital transformation, and the integration of artificial intelligence.” Maschler added, “Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are reshaping traditional financial systems.” Crypto and the Blockchain—an advanced database that allows information sharing within a business network–both allow people to invest their money in new and unconventional ways. Be that as it may, though crypto is lucrative, it is also financially dangerous. However, the co-heads affirmed that they wish to protect individuals from any misinformation, as they “plan to teach more about crypto and AI technology such as nVidia.” 

Even though they wish to teach the future of finance, the basics will not be neglected. Mousa explained that they will “clarify knowledge of the financial institutions created as well as a better understanding of the economic market and how it can fluctuate.” To anyone wishing to join the club, the leaders want to “reinforce that anyone can be someone in finance or just be curious about it.” However, with the school year ending, these wonderful Co-heads must find someone to pass on the torch. Though they do not know who will take their places, rest assured that the Finance Club will continue to educate the students of Princeton Day School for many years to come.

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