Model UN Simulation Reinforces PDS ComMUNity
March 6, 2020
Every team needs a tryout, and Model UN is no different.
Since the creation of PDS’s Model United Nations team, its leaders—the Secretariat—hold a simulation where MUN hopefuls can showcase their potential skills. Why is this type of tryout so effective? According to Senior and Secretary General Megha Thomas, it “hits all the aspects of a Model UN conference and we are able to see a variety of skills in action, including effective speaking, leadership, and creativity.” Also, it gives many a chance to try Model UN, with this simulation being a prime example.
The simulation held on February 25 was a tryout for two conferences: one at Princeton High School on March 7 and the other at Cornell later in the spring. It was clear this tryout was one of the most inclusive, yet competitive, simulations yet. With numerous open spots on the PHS roster and intense competition for a spot on the Cornell team, every delegate at the simulation put in their best effort.

So, what were the students’ experiences? Though all the crowded rooms in Shepherd became rather hot and sweaty (windows had to be opened), many had a good time. Junior Vinay Rao enjoyed the simulation, saying, “Everyone was enthusiastic for the sim and was engaged with the topic and debate.” In addition, freshman Alex McInnes stated, “I thought it was a fun yet challenging test of our academic abilities.” As freshman Neha Khandkar who was new to Model UN explained, “I thought the simulation was very informative and the Secretariat did a great job of making us feel welcome.” Overall, the general consensus between the participants at the simulation was that it was fun and a great learning experience.
Clearly, the Model UN Simulation on February 25 was a resounding success, not only inciting competition, but reinforcing the already exceptional Model UN team PDS has.