Sarah Selzer, Math Teacher

Caroline Bernstein, Arts Editor

For the past three years, Sarah Selzer has been a friendly face in the Upper School hallways of Princeton Day School. If you pop into the math office, you will likely be able to find her sitting at her desk at the back of the room with a smile, always willing to help. Sadly, Ms. Selzer will be leaving PDS next year to teach at the Cassidy School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. When asked about why she chose to teach at PDS, Ms. Selzer replied, “What I immediately saw was a sense of community, and it seemed like a really good place where all the interactions I had with students were great, all the interactions I had with faculty were great, and it seemed like a very warm, supportive place to work.” Community has always been one of the strongest aspects of Princeton Day School, and this is clearly demonstrated by the department system we have here. “I’m really going to miss my department. I love how we all sit in the same room,” explained Ms. Selzer, “I think that one thing that’s really nice about PDS is the community that departments can really build, and I think that as a Math Department, not only do we respect each other as co-workers, but we like each other as people, and I think that really shows when students come into this room— I think they feel that we have a sense of community with the Math Department. And a lot of food,” she said. Although she currently teaches math, her initiation into this field was anything but conventional. Originally an Art History major in college intending to become a professor, she changed her focus to math after she noticed the lack of involvement Art History professors often have with students and the dearth of high school Art History courses across the country. “I was looking at different ways I could get into teaching subjects that are much more common. I have obviously taken a lot of math classes, so what I found was that there was a need for math teachers in the state of Delaware, so I started to work on a program that’s called Alternative Routes for Certification to become certified to teach math in the state of Delaware,” she explained. Eventually, she found her way to PDS, where she has been cultivating a love of math in her students ever since. So how does Ms. Selzer feel about her impending move? “I’m excited about it because I like new experiences. It’s going to be a big change. I have never dealt with tornadoes before. Mr. Rubens seems to give me a daily update of tornado season. It is currently tornado season there,” she laughed. But on a more serious note, she continued, “There is some anxiety because it’s a big move, just like I’m sure as seniors move from high school to college; it’s a big transition of excitement and a little bit of anxiety!” Ms. Selzer’s final parting advice to the students of PDS would be, “Always wear sunscreen, your skin will thank you in twenty years,” something she constantly tells her advisees when approaching the summer season. The Spokesman wishes Ms. Selzer the best of luck in this new chapter of her life, and we thank her for all that she’s done for the PDS community.