What’s Up With Council: Cycle 12
Student council has been up to a lot lately! One of our biggest accomplishments is passing our Sadie Hawkins Dance proposal; it’s going to take place in late February, and we have an entire council sub-committee and the student life committee working on it. Stay tuned for more information!
Another event we are especially excited about is a PDS Ski Trip. Partnering with Dr. Monroe, Sophomore Emma O, and Mrs. Robideaux, council is in the midst of planning a school wide ski trip for you all. We are expecting to hear back from Ms. Sabundayo shortly.
Aside from these big projects, all of our reps are vigorously working on smaller tasks to improve our lives. To hear more about these, check the website next week!
Quick side note: Council meets every Monday in an english classroom during lunch. We love visitors and always appreciate it when people come in with new ideas!